Qlingo Tutorial

This tutorial page explains BASIC STEPS – how to use Qlingo from your FIRST LOGIN to your FIRST TRANSLATION.    Click Here to Download PDF

STEP 01: How to LOG IN to Qlingo

First of all, you have to LOG IN to Qlingo.
If this is your first login, change your TEMPORARY PASSWORD.

  • Qlingo : Tutorial > Mail SampleI: Open the URL provided in the e-mail that you’ve received after applying for a free trial
    e.g., a mail sample – 初期パスワード means your temporary password
    : If you are one of Qlingo users of your company or organization, 管理者ID (Administrator ID) is not printed, but ユーザID (User ID) is printed instead
  • Qlingo : Tutorial > LOGINII: On the LOGIN page that you’ve just opened, TYPE 管理者ID (Administrator ID) or ユーザID (User ID) / 初期パスワード (Temporary Password)
    • 1: 管理者ID・ユーザID (Administrator ID / User ID): Type your 管理者ID (Administrator ID) or ユーザID (User ID) provided in the e-mail
    • 2: パスワード (Password): Type your 初期パスワード (Temporary Password) provided in the e-mail

    After entering your 管理者ID・ユーザID (Administrator ID / User ID) and パスワード (Password), click ログイン button (LOGIN: 3).
    : You can log in to Qlingo if your 管理者ID・ユーザID (Administrator ID / User ID) and パスワード (Password) are correct.

  • III: If you could log in to Qlingo, a パスワード変更 (Change your Password) window appears on your screen. Change YOUR TEMPORARY PASSWORD to a NEW PASSWORD of your own
    Qlingo : Tutorial > Change Your Password
    • 4: 新しいパスワード (New Password): Type your NEW PASSWORD (Follow the instructions below)
      • Your NEW PASSWORD
        • Cannot be the same as your Temporary Password
        • Must be 10 to 50 characters and symbols
        • Must be a Combination of Alphanumeric Characters / Symbols : ! ” # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , – . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
          e.g., wwft&Yi9rw
    • Choose a password so that the Password Strength indicator to the right of the 新しいパスワード (NEW PASSWORD) field shows either LIGHT GREEN (strong) or GREEN (very strong).

      Clicking on the right end of the 新しいパスワード (NEW PASSWORD) / 新しいパスワード (確認用) (CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD) fields will display the characters you have entered. Be sure that no third party can peek at your password.
      Qlingo : チュートリアル > パスワード変更 - パスワードを読めるようにする

      If you have trouble registering a new password, you can also choose from the suggested new passwords. Click on the 新しいパスワードの候補 (suggested new passwords) within the red frame. The following page will open.
      Qlingo : チュートリアル > パスワード変更 - 新しいパスワードの登録がうまくいかない場合
      You can select any password, copy it, and use it. Click 閉じる (CLOSE) to return to the password change screen, then paste the 新しいパスワード (NEW PASSWORDS) / 新しいパスワード (確認用) (CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD) fields.
      : Be sure to store the copied password in a safe place and do not forget it.
      : Clicking 別の候補を表示する (SHOW ALTERNATIVE SUGGESTIONS) will display other password suggestions on the same screen.

    • 5: 新しいパスワード (確認用) (CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD): Retype the same combination of letters and symbols

    Click 保存 (Save: 7) button after filling in the TWO FIELDS. You can SAVE your NEW PASSWORD if you have no mistakes and errors. The window with which you changed your password will close when the password change is completed.

    Now, you can translate your documents with Qlingo.
    : You are not required to change your password after this password change. Log in to Qlingo with your NEW PASSWORD

STEP 02: How to TRANSLATE with Qlingo

Let’s TRANSLATE with Qlingo.

  • Qlingo : Tutorial > New ProjectI: You can start your translation from プロジェクト作成 (New Project: 1) page after saving your new password. If you opened other pages, click プロジェクト作成 (New Project: 1) from the left-side menu of the page
  • II: New Project page appears on your screen by clicking プロジェクト作成 (New Project: 1) in the menu. From this page, you can translate your documents
    • ENTER or UPLOAD your manuscript into 翻訳原稿 entry field (Your Manuscript: 2)
      You can TYPE your manuscript directly into the field, or UPLOAD your manuscript file with the field

      NOTE: You can translate up to 5,000 words (i.e., 5,000 words in English or 10,000 characters in Japanese) per ONE PROJECT (a translation request) during your FREE TRIAL PERIOD. After you sign up with a subscription contract, you can translate up to 20,000 or 36,000 words per one project.

      Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project

      • STEP 02a: Enter your text directly into the 翻訳原稿 entry field (Your Manuscript : 2)
        TYPE your manuscript directly into the 翻訳原稿 entry field. Or COPY your manuscript and PASTE in the 翻訳原稿 entry field.Sample Manuscript:



        エネルギーの摂取過剰について、消費とのバランスで評価する必要があるが、そのバランスの評価をエネルギー量で行うことは難しいので、エネルギー摂取と消費のバランスが反映された栄養状態として「肥満」を指標とする。成人の肥満(BMI≧25.0)は、特に男性では 20~60 歳代で 20 年前の 15.8%から平成9年で24.3%に増加しており、女性では40~60 歳代で平成9年で25.2%を占めている。肥満は各種疾病のリスクファクターであり、肥満予防が疾病発症の予防につながることから、肥満者の割合は 20~60 歳代男性で15%以下に、40~60 歳代女性で 20%以下にすることを目標とする。

        また肥満予防は幼少期からの課題でもあり3)、児童、生徒の肥満(日比式による標準体重の 20%以上)の割合は、20 年前の 7.2%から、平成9年で 10.7%に増加していることから、この増加傾向をとめ、7%以下にすることを目標とする。一方、若い女性ではやせ(BMI<18.5)の増加が著しく、20 歳代女性で 20 年前の 14.2%から 23.3%に増加していることから、15%以下にすることを目標とする。

        When you type the sample document into the form or copy and paste it in the field:
        Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project - Enter your text

        • Click テキストの抽出 button (Text Extraction : 3) at the bottom of the form
          Qlingo detects the manuscript language automatically by clicking the button.Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project - Detect a Language Pair

      • STEP 02b: Upload your manuscript file with the 翻訳原稿 entry field (Your Manuscript: 2)
        Click ファイルを選択 (BROWSE…) button in the 翻訳原稿 entry field. Or Drag the manuscript and Drop it in the 翻訳原稿 entry field.
        Sample Manuscript: sample.docx (Feel free to use this file)

        NOTE: Qlingo can accept a Microsoft Word document (*.docx) / an Excel book (*.xlsx) / a PowerPoint presentation (*.pptx) / PDF (*.pdf: Scanned images may not be acceptable) / Text file (*.txt: UTF-8 encoded file only). Also note that Microsoft Word / Excel / PowerPoint OLD FILES with extensions such as *.doc / *.xls / *.ppt are not acceptable (Save them as *.docx / *.xlsx / *.pptx formats)

        CLICK ファイルを選択 (BROWSE…) button and SPECIFY the manuscript file:
        Follow the instructions after clicking the button and specify the file.
        Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project - Specify a manuscript file

        DRAG and DROP:
        Point the manuscript file with your mouse and press the left button and DRAG (move) it to 翻訳原稿 entry field (Your Manuscript: 2) and DROP it (release the left button).
        : The operation described above tells you how to drag and drop with Windows OS
        Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project - Drag and Drop the file

    • Click テキストの抽出 button (Text Extraction: 3) at the bottom of the form
      Qlingo starts detecting the manuscript language automatically by clicking the button.Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project - Detect a Language Pair
  • III: Detect a Language Pair
    • Qlingo starts detecting the language of the manuscript automatically and decides the translation direction of this project (ENGLISH to Japanese or JAPANESE to ENGLISH) by clicking テキストの抽出 button (Text Extraction: 3).Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project - Detect a Language Pair (Detecting)
      : After Qlingo’s auto-detection ends, confirm the auto-detection result on the next dialog.
    • If not wrong, click プロジェクトの確認 button (Inspect the Project: 4)Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project - Detect a Language Pair (Detected)
      : This sample image shows that the manuscript is written in JAPANESE (日本語) and the translation result will be translated to ENGLISH (英語). If the auto-detection were wrong, click the drop-down list to change the direction of the pair.
  • IV: Inspect the Project
    • Qlingo shows you the extracted text and the number of the words contained in the manuscript by clicking プロジェクトの確認 button (Inspect the Project: 4).Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project - Inspect the Project (Inspecting)
    • If not wrong, click プロジェクトの作成 button (Create a New Project: 5)
      NOTE: You can translate up to 5,000 words (i.e., 5,000 words in English or 10,000 characters in Japanese) per ONE PROJECT (a translation request) during your FREE TRIAL PERIOD. After you sign up with a subscription contract, you can translate up to 20,000 or 36,000 words per one project.Qlingo : Tutorial > New Project - Inspecting the Project (Inspected)

STEP 03: How to DOWNLOAD your file

Qlingo starts translation automatically by clicking プロジェクトの作成 button (Create a Project: 5) on the dialog shown above. Also, Qlingo redirects you to プロジェクト一覧 (Project List) page automatically.

  • By clicking プロジェクトの作成 button (Create a Project: 5), Qlingo redirects you to プロジェクト一覧 (Project List) page automatically..
    The Translating Project that you have just created is labeled as a progress bar Qlingo : プロジェクト作成 > 翻訳中 (Translating).
    Qlingo : Tutorial > Project List - Translating
  • When Qlingo completes the translation, a Qlingo : プロジェクト作成 > 翻訳中 (Translating) bar turns to a 翻訳完了 (Done) label.Qlingo : Tutorial > Project List - Done
    : A project that has a 翻訳失敗 (Failed) label is an INCOMPLETE project for a certain or unknown reason. : A project that has a 翻訳失敗 (Translation Failed) or a 変換失敗 (File Coversion Failed) label is an INCOMPLETE project for a certain or unknown reason (click the label to view the details).
  • A project labeled as a 翻訳完了 (Done), you can DOWNLOAD the TRANSLATED FILE
    Click the icon from the list.
    Qlingo : Tutorial > Project List - Download

    Its SUBMENU has three lines – 訳文 (TRANSLATED FILE) / 対訳 (Translation Corpus: a pair of original texts and translated texts) / 原文 (Manuscript File).
    Click 訳文 (TRANSLATED FILE : 6) to DOWNLOAD the translated file.
    Qlingo : チュートリアル > プロジェクト一覧 - ダウンロード